28 Kasım 2022 Pazartesi

Harmonics(in electrical systems)

  • https://www.fluke.com/en/learn/blog/power-quality/how-to-find-harmonics-in-electrical-systems
  •  Overheated transformers and tripped breakers could be a sign of harmonic issues, which occur when non-linear loads that draw current in abrupt pulses, rather than in a smooth sinusoidal manner, cause harmonic currents to flow back into other parts of the power system.
  • This value of THD in terms of power quality health is most often applied to the voltage. Guidance states that the voltage harmonic effects should be less than 8 percent relative to the fundamental. Values above the stated 8 percent should be investigated further.


This document solution is the best approach.

  • https://www.newark.com/pdfs/techarticles/eaton/Eaton_Technical_Articles/UPS_Training/Powerware_Training/HarmonicsInYourElecSystem.pdf 


PowerFactor VS CosPhi

You Can read this article. In summary;

  • CosPhi results from the ratio of effective power (P) to fundamental apparent power (S1). 
  • PF; results from the ratio of effective power (P) to total apparent power (S) from fundamental and harmonics.



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